
Endless possibilities.

Hero portrait of Ben



Web developer. Data scientist. And more.

I am a self-taught software developer based in Bangkok, Thailand. My specializations are front-end and back-end web development. I also have working knowledge in the field of data-driven applications.

Portrait of Ben

First. And counting. is my first website for deployment. It serves as my personal website, a digital portfolio, as well as a ground for showcasing my web applications yet to come.

The space suit worn by Neil Armstrong on the mission to the moon

Let's connect!

I am looking for software development positions based in Bangkok, Thailand. Below, you will find a curated list of job positions that align with my skills, experience, and aspirations.

  • Front-End developer
  • Back-End developer
  • Full-Stack developer
  • Web developer
  • BI developer
  • Data scientist

If you are looking for someone to fill one of these positions, feel free to reach out!

A pig sculpure at Pike Place Market in Seattle

Career History

Ben after graduating with a master's degree

Master of Science

Applied Mathematics and Computational Science

Throughout my studies, I learned to model real-world processes using mathematical concepts and tools including: mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, stochastic simulation, and optimization techniques. Building upon these foundations, I learned fundamental concepts in data science and machine learning both through practice and theory.

Ben working at SIT AB as an intern developer

Business Intelligence Developer Intern

Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

June - July 2019

I, along with two students, had an opportunity to conduct an internship in the after-sales service division at SIT AB (now Siemens Energy AB). The team was tasked to develop a remote diagnostic and predictive maintenance web application for gas turbine customers.

Ben gradraduating with a bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

My journey into software development did not start until in the later years of studies where I was introduced to scientific programming. I had hands-on experiences in embedded system programming, signal processing, and computer simulation.


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The website is being populated with contents as well as being optimized for efficiency, consistency, and responsiveness.

Project GroundZero

Project GroundZero


A collection of abstract application microservices aimed at building scalable and modular cloud-native applications.